Meet Design Turf
To incorporate areas of sustainable artificial grass manufactured with-in the continent of North America by cutting edge technologies to blend within a surround of natural landscape beauty.
20+ Year History
Family matters

Family, Jerome and Robert brings an unparalleled combined forty years of hands-on experience in the GTA and beyond to the artificial golf green business.
Longtime GTA residents Robert and Jerome are avid about all aspects of golf and a shared passion for landscape design and construction. Being the first to introduce artificial golf greens to Canada, they turned their passion into a thriving business launched in 1997. With an extensive background in landscape construction and deep knowledge of design, fundamentals provide our golf green customers with complementary services not often found by others in the artificial golf green industry.
Jerome and Robert's love of sports began owning and operating multiple incursions in other sports industries but always maintained an interest in the landscape business. The Horticultural Society once chose the family home to show off local gardening enthusiasts the extensive perennial gardens with plantings started in their year-round backyard greenhouse.
Both Robert and Jerome are dedicated to bettering outdoor living spaces, providing large shade trees for protection from those hot summer days. Jerome’s Toronto property of 46 mature trees, and Roberts property has 29 trees and counting.
An obvious problem for a bigger tree canopy is that shade produces poor real grass conditions to thrive. With that in mind, Jerome and Robert's interest in being able to offer a sustainable artificial surface knowing homeowners wanting to be part of carbon reduction would still want a soft green surface for kids, dogs to play on, and of course, golf greens for the avid golfers.
Being the first to the Canadian marketplace, Design Turf could lock down the exclusive rights to distribute ProGreen / Sprinturf artificial grass products. Their American manufacturers proudly advertise their artificial grass products produced with the lowest carbon footprint of all others.
Always busy committed to growing their business, leaves little time to work on their golf game, however, both Jerome and Robert play the game every opportunity.
For those serious about the path to a perfect putting green, choose the highest-quality premium products to achieve a true golfer's paradise.
Design Turf offers a competitive standard rate for our golf green installations. Extras are often requested but of course extras are just that, extra.
We do not sell inferior products and only use the highest quality of products available.
We offer the best warranties;
A Manufacturer's Product Warranty
A Third Party Warranty
A Workmanship Warranty