Proven Quality

Synthetic Yarn Manufacturing - Dadeville, AL

Our state-of-the-art extrusion facility is located in Dadeville, AL. The plant houses eight monofilament, slip tape, and monotape extruders, along with twisting, texturizing and other ancillary processes. The plant has been in operation since 1997.

Our industry data analysis reveals that synthetic grass failures over the last decade are primarily due to yarn failures. This is the reason we produce all our fibres in-house and in North America; We are the only company in North America, Artificial Grass Manufacturing, that does so.

Our first stop is monofilament. A critical part of any extruder is the dosing system that meters in resin and the various additives that provide fibre with its colour and UV properties. Small variations in dosing can lead to big changes in the field's performance 2-3 years down the road. Additives used overseas are often not subject to strict U.S. lead and heavy metals standards. This is why we have chosen to be 100% North American made. Additionally, we use the highest technology gravimetric doses. The resin and additives are melted and forced through dyes with specific shapes that give fibres properties such as bounce-back resiliency. The rest of the line imparts various pre-programmed physical properties such as strength and shrinkage. Finished fibres are wound on packages and sent to twisting. We also can texturize our fibres. This texturizing process creates a crimp in the fibre used as a thatch zone in landscape and sports field products.

All the finished products are then sent to our tufting and coating facility in Chatsworth, Georgia.

Synthetic Grass Assembly - Chatsworth, GA

Our tufting and coating facility is located in Chatsworth, Georgia. Like our extrusion facility in Dadeville, Alabama, the Chatsworth facility is committed to North American Manufacturing and North American jobs. The plant houses tufting machines for a variety of gauges, polyurethane coatings, recyclable hot melt coatings and other ancillary processes. The plant has been under our control since 2004 and over the years has supplied complete turf products to most artificial turf companies. Keep in mind that many synthetic grass companies claim to make their own products out of their own factories, yet they are merely outsourcing their grasses from an existing manufacturing facility that makes both carpeting and synthetic grass. ProGreen owns their own facilities and only uses them to produce synthetic grass.

The first step is tufting. There are 10 tufting machines, 3 New High Speed Machines, and 3 Machines with dual feed systems and dual creels. We are able to manufacture a wide variety of gauges ranging from 3/16 of an inch to three quarters of an inch. The dual feed systems are required when producing dual fiber systems or products that contain a thatch zone. After the products are tufted to the required specifications, the rolls of turf are staged for coating.

Next is polyurethane coating. A polyurethane coating is applied to the back of the tufted turf to lock in the fibers, known as tuft bind, and to provide additional stability to the finished turf. ProGreen’s polyurethane coater is dedicated to synthetic turf only, unlike most of the competitive coaters that will also run carpet products. We have a proprietary polyurethane formulation that yields the best tuft bind in the industry. Our in-house compounding provides maximum control over the coating formulation and consistency from batch to batch. Perforations are provided for drainage. Our perforation pattern allows for the most consistent drainage in the industry. We have over 100 million square feet of coating capacity.

We also have a hot melt coating system for landscape products that is self draining and 100% recyclable.

Quality control checks are performed against specifications on every roll produced in both tufting and coating. In addition, a gel time, viscosity and water test is performed on every batch of polyurethane we produce. We also operate a lisport accelerated wear tester for product durability.

We hope you enjoyed the explanation of our manufacturing facilities and we extend an open invitation for you to visit our sites.

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